Online: Coming Home to Joy – A Four Week Course For Women

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Online: Coming Home to Joy – A Four Week Course For Women
Teacher: Wildecy de Fátima Jury assisted by Practice Leader Charlene Cambridge
Tuesdays, April 4th – 25th, 2023 | 7:00pm – 9:00pm ET

A Spring renewal and regeneration for women to reclaim all kinds of joy in the heart, body, and mind.
The last few years many of us have gotten used to living with loneliness, isolation, grief and brain fog. Some of us have forgotten or neglected our creativity and stopped believing in our own joy – or sukha (happiness, pleasure, ease, and bliss).

All of us already have positive seeds of joy inside of us, but sometimes these seeds need encouragement to germinate.

There are many ways to help them to grow and blossom naturally. In this course with New York Insight Teacher Wildecy de Fátima Jury and Practice Leader Charlene Cambridge, we will explore different ways to recognize, welcome and touch the joy that is waiting to be expressed.

In four classes of dharma, contemplation, guided meditation, chanting, movement, group sharing, writing, and other creative practices, we will be inspired to come home to our joy and the medicine of dharma.


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Registration Fees include Teacher Support

New York Insight Meditation Center has streamlined the registration fee levels. Members of our Circle of Friends are eligible to receive 20% off of the Sustaining Rate via a code provided in the email confirming membership, which you can enter after clicking the Sustaining Level registration.

*Benefactor Level: Supports NYI’s ability to offer the Subsidized Base.

**Sustaining Level: This level reflects the actual costs to support this program. Circle of Friends members eligible for 20% discount with code. Click here to join.

***Subsidized Base: Made possible by the generosity of Benefactor Level above and other donations to ensure participation by those requiring financial assistance.
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If you are unable to pay the Subsidized Base Fee, you can learn about volunteering to offer work exchange and letting us know how much you are able to pay for this program by emailing

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Wildecy de Fátima Jury

Wildecy de Fátima Jury has been formally practicing Theravada/Vipassana meditation over 20 years. She graduated from the Dedicated Practitioner Program and the Community Dharma Leader Program at Spirit Rock, in California. In 2015, she received a non-monastic ordination through the Dharmacharya Program with the Venerables Pannavati and Pannadipa. She has completed the Dharmapala Training with teachers Thanissara and Kittisaro.

She has offered classes and retreats at East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland, Insight LA, Zen Center and University of Syracuse, many meditation centers in Brazil, Harlem Insight, Community and New York Insight Meditation Center. At the moment Fátima is at NYIMC Teachers’ Council.

She has studied different spiritual practices and as a spiritual practitioner she has worked with many multicultural communities and groups. She holds a BA in Psychology and Women’s Study and a Master in Social Work. She is certified in Aboriginal Focusing Oriented Therapy through the Justice Institute in Vancouver, BC.

Her intention is to promote the strengthening of sanghas and communities through the cultivation of compassion, unity and decolonization of oppressed and oppressive minds. She is an artist, a writer, and a poet who describes herself as a person within floating identities.

Charlene Cambridge

Charlene Cambridge was introduced to meditation, hatha yoga, tantric yoga and some transcendental meditation in Trinidad and Tobago as a child. She has attended several long retreats at IMS in Barre, MA. where she was exposed to prominent teachers such as: Angela Dews, nakawe cuebas berrios, Ruth King, JoAnna Hardy, Devin Berry, DaRa Williams, Kamala Masters, Bonnie Durant, and Larry Yang.

Charlene has for the last 4 years participated in in-person daylong retreats at NYIMC, as well as courses, classes and retreats online at IMS and NYIMC.

At the moment, she is a Practice Leader at the NYIMC-Harlem Sangha and she is in the process of enrolling in the MBSR Teacher Training program.

Charlene maintains a daily practice of walking, sitting, and other models of meditation. Charlene follows the NYIMC Insight or Vipassana meditation within the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

Charlene has an Master of Arts (MA) in English Language & Literacy from City College of New York and BA in Liberal Arts. Charlene has worked with multicultural communities. For the last 3 years, she has taught an Happiness course to incoming freshman at a Latino serving college in the North Bronx.

Charlene believes that teaching about joy and happiness, especially mudita, is a way to interrupt the toxic individualism that indoctrinates people into a culture of grasping.
Charlene is a writer, a published poet, and a visual artist.

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