Postponed: Finding Refuge In Daily Life – The Gifts of the Three Jewels

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Postponed: Finding Refuge In Daily Life – The Gifts of the Three Jewels
with Lani Miller
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the program has been postponed.

What is a refuge for you? What in your daily life offers you deep peace and comfort? Where do you find a welcoming and unconditional container for whatever is truly happening in your body, heart, and mind?

One of the most beautiful and inspiring parts of the Buddhist path is the Teaching of the Three Refuges, also known as The Three Jewels.

They are 1) Taking Refuge in The Buddha, the possibility of freedom and awakening in this very life; 2) Taking Refuge in The Dharma, the Buddha’s teachings and the truth of the way things are; and 3) Taking Refuge In The Sangha, the sacred community of like-minded friends and seekers.

In these times of great change and uncertainty, knowing that refuge is possible and that direct access to it can be found through connection with our own body, heart, and mind is reassuring.

We can explore what offers us this comfort and inspiration – spaces and places we can relax into and trust that something “bigger than us” that can hold us on our journey through life.

In this four-week course, we will explore the powerful and transformative teachings of The Three Jewels and how we can make them accessible and applicable in our daily lives.

The course will include time to meditate, teacher talks and support, and time for participant connection and sharing.

There will also be an opportunity to take refuge in The Three Jewels, if it’s something you choose to do.

If you have any questions, please contact



Lani Miller

Lani MillerLani Miller has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1976. She is a graduate of the third Community Dharma Leaders Program. Lani is also a graduate of the MMTCP – “Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program” and “The Mindful Mentor Training Program.”
As a teacher, Lani values the opportunity to be a “channel” for supporting individuals and groups to find and explore spiritual truth through their own present moment experience. As part of this, she feels honored to introduce beginning meditators to meditation.
Lani is also a Singer/ Songwriter who is interested in how music and other creative arts can be a vehicle for sharing spiritual truths and values.

“You must have shadow and light source both. Listen, and lay your head under the tree of awe.” Rumi

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