In-Person: Manhattan Pilgrimage

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In-Person: Manhattan Pilgrimage
with nico hase
Sunday, October 15th, 2023 | 10:00am – 5:00pm

Pilgrimage has been an essential part of Buddhist spiritual life for thousands of years. The process of walking–outer pilgrimage—often gives rise to insights, healing, and a deep sense of letting go—inner pilgrimage.

Doing this together builds community and mutual belonging.

Doing this in a major American city brings the sacred into the everyday.

In this 13.5 mile pilgrimage visiting Insight meditation teacher nico hase will guide participants in a meditation walk from the southern tip of Manhattan to the northern tip. The pilgrimage will happen rain or shine.

The group will gather at 9:45 at the Statue of Liberty View Point in Battery Park. After a guided meditation, dialogue, and intention setting ritual, the group will walk in silence until lunch.

During lunch there will be time for casual conversation, followed by a brief meditation, before resuming the silent meditation walk. The pilgrimage will end at Inwood Hill Park, where there will be time for reflections, dialogue, and a brief closing ceremony.

(See below for a map of our route.)

This pilgrimage is open to anyone who can walk thirteen and a half miles at a brisk pace with infrequent stops. No prior meditation experience is necessary.

Join visiting Insight meditation teacher nico hase for a day of outer and inner pilgrimage, and a deepening into the sacred in the everyday of city life.


Please register at the highest level that your generosity offers. Registration will close on Saturday, October 14th at 12pm ET.
Explanations of levels follow below.
If you are registering via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, you can scroll right and left and up and down within the below form if it is partially obscured or cut off.
CLICK HERE to open the registration form in a new browser window.
Please contact if you need assistance.

Registration Fees include Teacher Support

New York Insight Meditation Center has streamlined the registration fee levels. Members of our Circle of Friends are eligible to receive 20% off of the Sustaining Rate via a code provided in the email confirming membership, which you can enter after clicking the Sustaining Level registration.

*Benefactor Level: Supports NYI’s ability to offer the Subsidized Base.

**Sustaining Level: This level reflects the actual costs to support this program. Circle of Friends members eligible for 20% discount with code. Click here to join.

***Subsidized Base: Made possible by the generosity of Benefactor Level above and other donations to ensure participation by those requiring financial assistance.
If you have questions about your registration (cancellation policy, membership discount, email confirmation, etc.), please read our FAQs. If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please email

If you are unable to pay the Subsidized Base Fee, you can learn about volunteering to offer work exchange and letting us know how much you are able to pay for this program by emailing

If you have any questions, please contact



nico hase

nico hase lived in a monastery for six years before earning a PhD in counseling psychology and becoming an Insight meditation teacher full-time. He currently mentors mindfulness teachers, teaches online and in-person retreats, and speaks with students in one-on-one sessions. He and his beloved life partner Devon are the authors of How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Survival Guide for Modern Life. Find out more at

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